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Employee Wellness Survey 2022-23

March 29, 2023

As part of our Recovering Strong strategy, peopleCare has worked to build a meaningful, sustained workplace wellness culture — one in which we all support one another to feel stronger, healthier and more resilient.

For the second year in a row, we asked employees to share their wellness priorities and ideas. Responses from 727 staff members — including over 600 frontline employees — are helping us understand current needs and where to focus our collective efforts.

Among our findings: more people are feeling better, employees found value in the Recovering Strong initiatives lead over the last 18 months and our efforts to raise Employee Assistance Program (EAP) awareness meant more people had the opportunity to access the support if needed.

Moving forward in 2023, peopleCare continues to focus on mental health and wellness education for our teams, including a continued partnership with CMHA and learning sessions through their Your Health Space (YHS) program. Future YHS topics were selected by the Homes during the survey and include Managing Stress in the Workplace, Burnout and Recovery and Embracing Mental Health – Flourishing in the Workplace. There will also be microlearnings — short sessions for small groups right on the floor of our LTC Homes.

We will also be looking for opportunities to leverage the role of our Wellness Champions in new ways, have launched our refocused Values Awards program and, of course, plan to repeat our Walk to Wellness later this year.

Click here to open the infographic as a pdf.

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