Redeveloping 128 new long-term care beds in Meaford
New beds will help meet the needs of local aging population and enable future development of integrated campus of care

Bill Walker, MPP Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound; Dr. Merrilee Fullerton, Minister of Long-Term Care; Megan Allen-Lamb, President, peopleCare
WATERLOO, Ontario, September 24, 2019 – peopleCare is thrilled to share that the Ministry of Long-Term Care has awarded us 51 much-needed new long-term care beds in the town of Meaford, Ontario. The new beds will make it possible for more seniors to remain in the community they know and love, while receiving the quality care and services they need and deserve.
The announcement was made by Dr. Merrilee Fullerton, Minister of Long-Term Care, alongside Bill Walker, MPP for Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound.
“We sincerely thank Minister Fullerton and MPP Walker for this welcome news and their continued support,” says Brent Gingerich, Chairman and CEO, peopleCare. “We appreciate the government’s commitment to building long-term care capacity in Ontario and we are ready to do our part in helping to increase timely access to care and services for seniors through this redevelopment in Meaford.”
About the announcement, MPP Bill Walker says, “Our government’s investments in new and redeveloped beds in Meaford is great news. With our area’s aging population, we have to ensure that we’re providing better and faster access to long-term care and giving our cherished senior citizens the care they need, and where and when they need it.”
Currently home to 77 residents, Meaford Long-Term Care is the only long-term care home in the Municipality. The changing demographics in this community of about 11,000 people are creating a greater demand for a range of senior living options and care needs. In addition to the 51 new beds, peopleCare will redevelop the 77 beds, enabling us to build a brand new 128-bed long-term care home in the heart of the town. The home is also the first step in a planned campus of care development that will eventually include a range of services and housing options for older adults, including attainable housing and retirement living.
“A priority for peopleCare is to work with our partners to co-design vibrant and forward-thinking senior living neighbourhoods that are focused on well-being and quality of life for residents, staff, families and partners,” says peopleCare President Megan Allen-Lamb. “We’ve been very fortunate in having the support of Meaford Mayor Barb Clumpus and her team as we plan for the current and future needs of the older adults living in this flourishing community.”
As a long-standing member of the Meaford community, peopleCare is excited to continue partnering with the Municipality, Region and other stakeholders to manage the intense growth of the aging population, reduce pressures on Grey Bruce Health Services, and ensure the necessary seniors’ services are in place now and in the future.
“This is great news for our community,” says Mayor Clumpus. “This increase brings us to an optimum number of long-term care beds, and will go a long way to supporting our aging population. It will let our seniors stay closer to home and their loved ones while getting the care they need.”
peopleCare is one of the largest employers in the town of Meaford, with approximately 82 staff. When it opens, the new 128-bed long-term care Home will create jobs as more staff will be needed to provide care to the additional residents.
About peopleCare Communities
peopleCare Communities is a leading operator of senior living communities in southwestern Ontario, with strong family values and a long history of service. We are committed to creating vibrant communities of care that deliver clinical best practices, engaging programs and integrated services that meet seniors’ changing needs. peopleCare’s innovation and industry leadership has earned Accreditation Canada – Exemplary Status, Canada’s Best Managed Companies designation for the sixth straight year, North America’s Most Engaged Workplaces Award, and an Innovation Award research grant from the Health Technology Fund.
For more information: Sheena Campbell, Director, Strategic Communications, 519-513-5260,