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Listen, Learn, Take Action

July 6, 2020

Infographic showing results from peopleCare Communities Family Survey conducted in June 2020.As our partners in caring for residents and supporting quality of life, engaging with families in authentic ways is always a priority.

Never before has this been so important as during the past few months, when precautions necessary to keep everyone safe have changed life in our Homes and communities.

Over the past few months, we’ve worked hard to keep families informed with facts, and support them to stay connected with their loved ones and interacting in whatever way works best for them.

Recently, we also asked families to complete a short survey about which actions we have taken during pandemic have been most meaningful to them, how informed and connected they’re feeling, and how we can do better. Thank you to all who completed the survey.

In total, we received over 200 responses. The insight and comments helped inform our plans for safe, physically distanced outdoor social visits.

Our Homes are also working to improve our engagement with and support of our families based on what we learned.