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Finding a new home quickly after a life-altering event

June 6, 2017

We would all prefer to make our decisions at our own pace.  Some like to quickly make a move while others do meticulous research and weigh each option carefully.  Unfortunately, life often has other plans.  For seniors, it may be major events such as a sudden health crisis or loss of a spouse.

If a senior has experienced a life-altering event, a Retirement Residence (or Retirement Home) may be the right fit. Most Retirement Communities have several suite options and services available.

Tours can usually be arranged very quickly.  A move can usually take place within a few days if necessary; once the Home has had the opportunity to meet with the Resident and complete a health assessment to ensure needs can be met.  If the senior is unsure or the crisis situation is temporary (such as a broken hip), most Residences offer the option of a short-term stay, after which the senior may choose to stay permanently.